Friday, May 18, 2012

Prayers for Hair Shave or Loss in the Dream and Life

If you ever find yourself losing hair after a dream in which someone shaved or cut or remove your hair, there is trouble looming around the corner. You need to aggresively take the following decrees for a while to come. At the least until you see the hair restored.

Your hair is the symbol of your glory. Every transaction that has to do with loss or shaving of hair in the dream is a satanic manipulation.That glory is under satanic attack! Every compromise of your glory is a compromise of your destiny. You have to fight back.

The hair of Samson was shaved and he lost his anointing. Any power shaving my hair to steal my anointing, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
The hair of Samson was shaved and he lost his power. Whosoever has shaved my hair in the spirit in order to kill my glory, before sunset fall down and die!
Delilah powers on assignment to disgrace me, I am in Christ and cannot be disgraced, before sunset return to your senders and disgrace your senders in the name of Jesus.
My hair, you are the symbol of my glory! Disobey satanic and witchcraft orders and return to my head now, now, now in the name of Jesus.
My hair, you are the symbol of my glory, wherever you are now, disobey satanic and witchcraft orders and return to my head with immediate effect in the name of Jesus Christ.
My head, you are the symbol of my destiny and my destiny is of the Divine, be repaired and restored from every damage you have suffered from hair lost to darkness! in the name of Jesus.
My Father! henceforth let the blood of Jesus be a shield around my head and body, soul and spirit and render me untouchable to darkness, witchcraft and satanic attacks in the name of Jesus.
My Father! Henceforth, let the Holy Ghost Fire and Power be perpetually a wall around me to render me untouchable to darkness, witchcraft and satanic attacks in the name of Jesus.
Power of death, decay and poverty in my environment, working gradually against me, you are working against Christ, die funerally! in the name of Jesus.
Result of wicked access to my hair, be undone by the power in the blood of Jesus !